
Welcome to our office! We are pleased to have you as a new patient. Your initial Rheumatologic Comprehensive evaluation requires approximately 1 to 1.5 hours for the first visit. Please download and carefully fill out the health questionnaire and bring it to your first visit. This will enable us to spend more time with you concerning your present illness and to focus on your specific problems. Also be sure to bring any x-rays, MRI, bone density tests and labs that pertain to your current condition.

New Patients

Please print the following forms and fill out prior to your first appointment.

How to schedule an appointment


Call (772) 283-8380 and press option 2.

If you need to cancel an appointment, please give at least 24 hours notice (48 hours for new patient appointments) so that we may offer that time to another patient. Or request your appointment through the Patient Portal.

How to refill medications


Medications are prescribed electronically (e-prescribe). If you need a refill between appointments please ask your pharmacist to initiate an electronic refill request. You also may leave a refill request on the prescription line voicemail. Allow at least 48 hours for processing of refill requests. A refill request may trigger a call for you to schedule an appropriate office visit for management of your condition and monitoring of your medications. Controlled medications require an office visit every 3 months (state law). Controlled medications will not be refilled after hours or during weekends.

Records Release


Good Faith Estimate



Our office participates with the following insurance plans:

  • Traditional Medicare

  • Devoted Health Plan

  • Cigna

  • FL Blue

  • Aetna

    Participation varies as changes occur within the insurance industry. We encourage you to confirm your specific coverage before scheduling an appointment.